Back To The Beginning

Welcome to the Partridge Family Peartree.  Begun in 2000, the original responsible person for these pages is Richard Partridge, youngest son of George and Lenna.  As you saw, we start with William Henry Partridge and Sarah Carrie Silvey.  There are no doubt others that have additional information with which these pages can be expanded in the future, maybe even some of those individuals will be able and willing to assume continuing these pages.

You are probably somewhat familiar with the way Internet pages call other pages with what's called Links.  Most links will appear as blue underlined text.  After you visit a page, that link will then normally appear as purple text.  Attempting to keep things fairly simple, each page will show the Partridge family member in Bold print, most likely on the left side, and spouse(s) on the right side.  If more than one spouse, they will have a number in parenthesis, such as (1)Jane.

At the top of the page will be links to siblings' pages, to the parents' page and the Home page will return you to the first page you saw, that of William Henry Partridge. 

Pictures take a lot longer to load, meaning that when you access a page, if there are large picutres included, it will probably take several seconds for the entire page to be displayed.  For that reason, most all pictures are loaded initially as Thumbnails, which is a reduced size of the original picture.  When you point your mouse pointer at a picture and the pointer becomes a pointing finger, that indicates the picture is a link to the larger picture.  Just click on the small picture for that larger view.  After viewing the larger view, just click on your browser's Back button to return to the previous page.

As you might guess, the initial pages will have more information about the family of George and Lenna, since the originator's archives contain primarily that family's pictures and information.